Discovery Asia  •  
TV On DemandDiscovery Asia  •  
TV On Demand11:40 - 12:30
The Six S1 - Eps. 212:30 - 13:20
Never Out of Reach S1 - Eps. 413:20 - 14:10
Never Out of Reach S1 - Eps. 114:10 - 15:00
World's Most Dangerous Railway Lines S1 - Eps. 115:00 - 15:50
Inside Maximum Security S1 - Eps. 115:50 - 16:40
Thailand Fantastic S1 - Eps. 416:40 - 17:30
The Mark of Empire - Kingdoms of The East S2 - Eps. 117:30 - 17:55
Bollywed S1 - Eps. 317:55 - 18:20
Bollywed S1 - Eps. 418:20 - 19:10
Mysterious Wilds of India S1 - Eps. 219:10 - 19:35
Orangutan Island S1 - Eps. 1319:35 - 20:00
Orangutan Island S1 - Eps. 320:00 - 20:25
Bollywed S1 - Eps. 520:25 - 20:50
Bollywed S1 - Eps. 620:50 - 21:40
The Last Defenders S2 - Eps. 121:40 - 22:05
On The Fly S1 - Eps. 122:05 - 22:30
On The Fly S1 - Eps. 222:30 - 22:55
Bollywed S1 - Eps. 522:55 - 23:20
Bollywed S1 - Eps. 623:20 - 00:10
The Last Defenders S2 - Eps. 1