Crime Investigation  •  
TV On DemandCrime Investigation  •  
TV On Demand03:05 - 04:00
Evil Up Close S6 - Eps. 904:00 - 05:00
The Torso Killer Confessions - Eps. 305:00 - 05:50
Hoarders S14 - Eps. 505:50 - 06:45
Hoarders S14 - Eps. 606:45 - 07:40
Accused : Guilty or Innocent? S4 - Eps. 507:40 - 08:35
American Justice - Eps. 2008:35 - 09:30
Evil Up Close S6 - Eps. 909:30 - 10:25
The Torso Killer Confessions - Eps. 310:25 - 11:20
TextMeWhenYouGetHome S2 - Eps. 911:20 - 12:15
Interrogation Raw S1 - Eps. 2012:15 - 13:10
Phrogging : Hider In My House - Eps. 213:10 - 14:05
Hoarders S14 - Eps. 514:05 - 15:00
Hoarders S14 - Eps. 615:00 - 15:55
Accused : Guilty or Innocent? S4 - Eps. 515:55 - 16:45
Beyond The Headlines : The Series - Eps. 116:45 - 17:35
City Confidential - Eps. 1517:35 - 18:25
Cold Case Files S2 - Eps. 2518:25 - 19:15
Women on Death Row - Eps. 119:15 - 20:05
Women on Death Row - Eps. 220:05 - 20:30
Taking The Stand - Eps. 720:30 - 20:55
Taking The Stand - Eps. 820:55 - 21:45
Interrogation Raw S1 - Eps. 321:45 - 22:35
Interrogation Raw S1 - Eps. 422:35 - 23:25
American Justice - Eps. 2223:25 - 23:50
Taking The Stand - Eps. 723:50 - 00:20
Taking The Stand - Eps. 8